87067, Modeling Brush HF Standard Set

Artikelnummer: T87067

Besteleinheid 1,00

Stukprijs: {PRIJS} EUR

beschikbaar op de korte termijn  Levertijd: beschikbaar op de korte termijn

inkl. 19% BTW. zonder BTW
EUR 15,99 EUR 13,44
plus Portokosten

Modeling Brush HF Standard Set

-The HF Standard Set is for those who wish to gain a more beautiful and impressive finish on their model, whether they are beginners, intermediate or experts.
-Comes with High Finish Flat Brush No.0, High Finish Flat Brush No.2 and High Finish Pointed Brush (Ultra Fine).
-Brushes employ special plastic hair suitable for model painting.

Tamiya nummer: 87067

EAN nummer: 4950344870677

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