87102, Mark fit 40ml

Artikelnummer: T87102

Besteleinheid 1,00

Stukprijs: {PRIJS} EUR

beschikbaar op de korte termijn  Levertijd: beschikbaar op de korte termijn

inkl. 19% BTW. zonder BTW
EUR 4,89 EUR 4,11
plus Portokosten

Mark Fit Sticker weekmaker 40ml

Mark Fit is a special solvent designed to soften your model decals which will allow you to apply them onto difficult to apply areas such as bumpy and curved surfaces, providing an improved finish to your scale model. The 40ml bottle contains a convenient brush for easy application.

How to Use

-Apply Mark Fit solvent to area where decal is to be positioned.
-Place decal onto the area.
-Slide decal into correct position by a wet finger.
-Use a soft cloth or cotton swab to remove excess water and any air bubbles.
-Apply Mark Fit over the decal again, and then use a soft cloth or cotton swab to conform it to the model's surface.
-Do not touch until decal dries completely.

Tamiya nummer: 87102

EAN nummer: 4950344871025

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